Press Release:
Leh, September 11,2024: The Social & Tribal Welfare Department and Child Protection Society UT Ladakh conducted an Orientation Cum Training Programme for the newly appointed Chairperson/Members of Child Welfare Committee and Members of the Juvenile Justice Board Leh/Kargil at Mission Vatsalya Office Agling Leh.
The training aimed to raise awareness and understanding of Juvenile Justice Act 2015 (as amended 2021) and Ladakh Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Models rules 2024, particularly for the benefit of children. Further, dissemination about adoption regulations 2022 and the roles of stakeholders in protecting the rights of children
Program Manager, Child Protection Society, UT Ladakh Abdul Rahim highlighted key aspects of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015, and the corresponding rules. His presentation emphasized on the importance of compliance with the Act to ensure protection and rehabilitation of children in need and care, and also functions and procedures related to Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board.
Program Manager, State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA) Sonam Chosdon provided an in-depth explanation of the adoption rules and procedures outlined under the JJ Act. She gave a detailed description of the process involved, ensuring that participants are familiar with the legal framework for adoption.
The training session concluded with a deeper understanding of Mission Vatsalya Portal enhancing participants ability to navigate and utilize the platform effectively.
During the programme, the participants from Kargil joined through online.