n the electoral arena, voters are also prepared to elect their leaders. In this regard, Chhattisgarh stands out among those selected states in the country where there are more female voters than males. The gender ratio of voters in the state is 1015, meaning there are fifteen hundred female voters for every thousand males. The constituency with the highest number of female voters is in the Raipur Lok Sabha constituency, where there are 1,169,358 female voters, while the Bastar Lok Sabha constituency has the highest voter gender ratio. Here, there are 1,086 female voters for every 1,000 male voters. Women in Chhattisgarh are not just voters but also playing a strong and crucial role in the electoral process. Similarly, for the elections, the responsibility has been entrusted to the differently-abled and youth voting groups to conduct the entire electoral process independently, transparently, and impartially.
On all 3320 polling centers, exclusively female polling workers will be conducting the elections.
For the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, voting will take place in three phases in the state. To ensure one hundred percent voting, a total of 24,229 polling centers have been set up in the state. Among them, 3320 polling centers are those where voting will be conducted entirely by female polling workers. All four members of the team will be female. Similarly, 90 centers have been established for differently-abled individuals and 387 for youth. Only young polling workers will be operating in these centers. Additionally, 450 model polling centers are also being established in the state.
The highest voter gender ratio in Bastar.
In the first phase where elections are to be held in the Bastar Lok Sabha constituency, the state has the highest voter gender ratio. Here, out of 1,472,207 voters, there are 771,679 female voters, accounting for 52 percent of the total
Responsibility on the shoulders of women.
In addition to female voters and polling teams in the state, a large number of women officers and employees of the state are participating in the elections. The responsibility for conducting the elections peacefully in the three phases in the state has also been entrusted to women. Women officers and employees are actively participating in extensive preparations for the elections and ensuring their successful management. The responsibility for the successful conduct of election work in the state also lies on the shoulders of senior female IAS officers.
In addition to these, 13,500 female polling workers, including 1 returning officer and 17 assistant returning officers, are involved. Apart from the 3320 presiding officers in the polling teams, assistant presiding officers are also fully dedicated to ensuring the smooth conduct