Aimed at facilitating smooth and transparent election process, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has launched “Suvidha”, a groundbreaking platform designed to streamline the application process for various permissions required during election campaigns for candidates and political parties participating in the upcoming 2024 general elections. The portal serves as a one-stop solution, empowering candidates and political parties to apply for and obtain permissions efficiently and conveniently. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, the App simplifies the process, ensuring that all necessary permissions are acquired in a timely manner, thereby enabling seamless campaign activities. The different permissions available on Suvidha platform included “Meetings; candidates and political parties can request permissions for holding meetings with constituents, allowing them to engage with voters directly and discuss their vision and policies. Rallies; permission for organizing rallies, a crucial aspect of election campaigns for reaching out to a wider audience and garnering support, can be easily sought through Suvidha, Vehicles, the app facilitates the application process for permissions related to the use of vehicles during campaign activities, ensuring compliance with regulations governing vehicular movement, Temporary Election Office; candidates and political parties can apply for permissions to set up temporary election offices, providing them with a designated space to coordinate campaign efforts and interact with supporters, Loudspeakers; permissions for use of loudspeakers during campaign events can be obtained through the Suvidha, allowing candidates to amplify their message effectively while adhering to noise pollution regulations and Helicopters and Helipads; for candidates seeking to leverage aerial campaigns for broader outreach, the Suvidha facilitates the application process for permissions pertaining to helicopters and helipads, ensuring safe and compliant operations”. The App embodies the commitment to foster transparency, efficiency and fairness in the electoral process. By digitizing and streamlining the permissions process, the aim is to empower candidates and political parties, while also facilitating smoother interactions between stakeholders and election authorities. Further, the Chief Electoral Officer, J&K, Pandurang K. Pole, has urged upon the candidates and political parties participating in the 2024 general elections to utilize these services. For further information, the candidates and political parties can visit the portal at